How do I clear karma?

How to Clear Karma: A Comprehensive Guide

When I first dove down the spiritual rabbit hole, I was quite confronted by the concept of karma. Growing up Catholic, I was taught that Jesus forgives our sins; all it took was a trip to the priest, a confession, and a prayer, and my slate was wiped clean. As a 10-year-old, this felt incredibly liberating. Lied to Mum on Saturday? No problem, confess on Sunday, and it’s gone. If only it were that simple.

What is Karma?

Many spiritual teachers believe karma is a fundamental force shaping our journeys on Earth. While Christian forgiveness still holds meaning, repentance is powerful, some “sins” don’t just vanish with a quick apology. Karma, rooted in Indian religions like Hinduism and Buddhism, translates to “action” or “deed.” It’s the universal law of cause and effect. The Dalai Lama explains, “Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions.” Every thought, word, and deed sends energy into the universe, and that energy returns; positive actions yield blessings, negative ones bring challenges.

Science echoes this through HeartMath Institute studies. Their research shows that emotions shape our heart rhythms, measured as heart rate variability (HRV). A 1998 study published in Integrative Physiological and Behavioral Science found that positive emotions like love and appreciation create coherent HRV patterns, boosting immune function and hormone balance, while stress and anger produce erratic rhythms, increasing cortisol and inflammation. Karma’s cause-and-effect plays out in our bodies too.

The Cosmic Scoreboard

Picture life as a cosmic game with a scoreboard tracking every move. Good deeds rack up points; harmful actions deduct them. It’s not just about right and wrong; it’s about energy. Eckhart Tolle says, “Whatever you fight, you strengthen, and what you resist, persists.” This scoreboard shapes your health, relationships, opportunities, and soul’s evolution. Clear it, and you might ascend to 5D, a higher consciousness many souls seek.

Karma seems to move faster now. Some attribute this to a cosmic shift or modern life’s pace. Take the angry driver, honking at every mistake. Five minutes later, he’s got a speeding ticket. Instant karma? Perhaps. HeartMath’s research supports this immediacy; a 2002 study in Preventive Cardiology showed that practicing their coherence techniques reduced blood pressure in just three months, suggesting emotional states can quickly influence physical outcomes. Or consider a man I know, struggling financially as his businesses fail. He blames bad luck, but a decade ago, he hid profits from his partner. Research from Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin (2015) suggests dishonest behavior correlates with later stress and reduced life satisfaction; his “bad luck” might be a karmic echo.

Then there’s the woman with chronic migraines and insomnia, frustrated with doctors. She’s quick to anger, at strangers, at herself, ruminating for days. When she embraced kindness and self-forgiveness, her symptoms eased. HeartMath’s 1998 study found that shifting to coherent heart rhythms through positive emotions increased DHEA (a vitality hormone) by 100% and cut cortisol by 23% in one month, reducing stress-related ailments. Another study in Psychosomatic Medicine (2020) linked self-criticism to heightened cortisol and poorer sleep; her loving shift calmed her nervous system, reflecting karma’s ripple effect.

The Role of Past Lives and Karmic Debt

But what about kind souls with relentless struggles? “I’m so nice, why is life so hard?” Karma spans lifetimes. Paramahansa Yogananda taught, “The law of karma is that every cause has an effect… Your present state is the result of your past, and your future will be the result of your present.” Today’s challenges might reflect past-life actions, offering growth and debt-clearing chances.

Reading the Akashic Records, I’ve seen chronic illness tied to past roles: warlords, slave owners, even witch hunters. One person lost their home in a fire this year; in a past life, they stole someone’s house. Far-fetched? Maybe. Yet Dr. Brian Weiss, in Many Lives, Many Masters, documented patients whose ailments faded after recalling past-life traumas. HeartMath’s research on intuition, published in Science of the Heart (2016), suggests the heart’s electromagnetic field may connect us to deeper knowing, potentially including past-life imprints. A 2022 study in Frontiers in Psychology explored how trauma might imprint across generations via epigenetics, chemical tags on DNA influenced by ancestors’ experiences. Science hints at inherited energetic legacies.

The role of Medical Intuitives and groups in clearing Karma

As a medical intuitive, I am skilled at sensing and helping to clear karmic issues that manifest as physical ailments. By identifying these karmic patterns, I can support individuals in releasing practices or lifestyle changes that address these debts. I cannot clear all karmic debt, as sometimes there are no “free passes” to clear the horrible deeds of the past. If this is the case I will let you know and guide you to the best way to do this. You can click on this link to book an individual session with me to understand more about how you can achieve wellness and inner peace.

Just as individual karma exists, so does collective or group karma. Participating in a specific group healing sessions or meditations aimed at clearing past life karma can be beneficial. This can involve learning about karma and speaking statements to help release karma from the body. I am hosting a webinar and group meditation on the topic of karma on March 23rd, 2025 and you can book here. In addition regular group healing sessions with skilled practitioners like Amy Elizabeth (Medical Intuitive in the uk) and Patrice Krysztofiak can assist you and lead you to living the life you deserve. The groups are never random and there is always some joint karmic debt to be released that can help you move up the cosmic score board!

I would be very excited to help you on your journey to wellness!

Much love and good health,

Peggy x