I would like to chat to you first to see if you can help me. Is it possible to do a free call?
Unfortunately, do the taxing nature of energy work I do not offer free discover calls. I would encourage you to watch the above interview and tune in to see if I am the right person for you. Meditate, do yoga and find a quiet spot and ask yourself if you get “yes” or a “no” for me. If you are hesitant then perhaps I am not the right person for you. Your intuition will know if we are a correct fit.
I do not have PAYPAL. How can I pay you?
If you live in Australia we can organise a bank transfer. I also accept credit cards via Stripe and I will send you a link for this.
Paypal is the most secure and banks allow your credit card to use this platform. I have found other platforms are routinely rejected by banks because of recent measures to increase security and prevent fraud.
I cannot find a time that suits me?
I am in Australia and work with clients globally but certain times sell out quickly. Other times may be available by request only. At the moment I limit my sessions to 7 per week. The sessions are very taxing on my body as I move a lot of energy, very quickly and need a lot of recovery time to be able to be at peak levels of intuition and alignment for the greatest good for the client.
What should I do to prepare for the session?
Find a quiet, comfortable spot with a good internet connection. Download Zoom. A tablet or computer is much better than a phone. Have a glass of water close by and try to do the session a few hours away from meals. Ensure your earphones or speakers are working properly and do not drink any alcohol or drugs within 24hrs of the session. If you can find 15-30 mins to breathe, listen to soothing music and center yourself before, setting the intention of wanting to release what is no longer serving you. It is perfectly normal to feel nervous or anxious beforehand. I will help release this at the start. Write down any questions you have.
Can you heal me?
I make no claims of being able to heal anyone. I highly encourage you to seek professional medical advice before booking a session. However, I do have the ability to sit in a very high frequency and vibration that will amplify your own releasing and healing abilities. My clients have reported improvements in symptoms, often in the session itself.
Can you see inside my body?
I do not see inside bodies. I get information and “knowings” that come in and I get mirrored symptoms in my body. If you have neck pain, I will feel neck pain, once I tune into you. I you have a tight chest, I will feel these symptoms. Every medical intuitive gets the messages in different ways. Some people are very good at reading what is going on, my specialty is being able to understand why the blocks are there and then I clear the energy blockages in a powerful way. I also have access to specific dates, events and insights into the emotional causes of the blockages and use my intuitive skills and trauma informed counselling skills to gently and safely help you release what is not serving you anymore. I can channel powerful frequencies that clear blockages in a fast way and I channel information from your higher self that will help you live in a more aligned and fulfilling way.
Are you psychic? Can you see dead people (medium)?
I do not call myself psychic in the sense of being able to predict the future. My skill set is reading what is happening in your energy body. I also have deep insights into your job or closest relationships and how they are affecting you. Occasionally, I will have a loved one who has passed come through with a message for you.
What can I expect from a session?
Please watch this interview to get an idea of what happens in a session.
The session usually starts with me releasing for you the moment you book! The energies start to move hours before the session and start to amplify shortly before. I begin by asking how I can help you and you can tell me briefly about your symptoms and history. I don’t need to know everything! You will notice I start to move around, shake my head, yawn, burp as you tell your story as my body instinctively will release for you. I will start to get mirrored symptoms in my body and the one that comes up the strongest is where I normally begin. I will ask you to close your eyes, we will do some guided breathwork, calming the body to get you ready to release what is no longer serving you. Then we let your body do it’s thing.
Some normal reactions to the energy work are: shaking, feeling cold, feeling hot, seeing flashes/colours, feeling very tired, moving your head, crying, yawning, feeling nauseous, vomiting, burping or you may have no reactions at all, this is all normal. Some people get quite shocked at these reactions. The key is to take deep breaths and know that this is exactly what your body needs to do to release.
I will continue to scan and release the energies present. I may use light language and ask you to repeat statements which help to amplify the releasing. We may discuss emotional challenges that are affecting your energy body as I channel the information from your higher self.
I will explain all the guidance that is coming through including recommendations that will help improve your symptoms, relationships and general vitality.
I will clear as much as I can in 60 mins. Sometimes I go over that time if the energy is still quite strong and I am called to do it. Please allow time for this if you are keen.
Sometimes I may ask if another practitioner can join me on the call to support the session and amplify the energies. I work with a team of people and we support each other in this unique way of helping people.
Is the session recorded?
The session is recorded and I will provide you with a transcript and written summary of the recommendations we discussed. You will be able to download the recording and watch as many times as you like.
What happens after a session?
I will send the recording and coaching notes within 24hrs of the session. I will also send a follow up email in a week to check on you. It is good to rest and integrate after a session. Sometimes people feel energised and amazing, other times people can develop cold symptoms as they release the lower frequencies from their body. This has happened to me every time I had a big release. It is perfectly normal and ok and you need to trust that your body knows how to heal itself.
How many sessions do I need?
This is a difficult question to answer before I meet you. I will need to read the energies to work out how many sessions. It may be one or more or I may refer you to my colleague or a group session to amplify the energy releases. If you do require another session, I usually suggest waiting 2-3 weeks to integrate the session. I will never up-sell you for something that I cannot help with or that you do not need. Integrity is a very important part of my service to others as I am committed to running a heart-centred business. I may suggest a follow up session and provide a special link and price for returning clients.
I really think my husband/friend/child/parent would benefit from a session. Can I gift them a session?
This is a very common question and the short answer is no. In my experience a person needs to be motivated to book and pay for a session themselves to be a full, willing participant of the energy releasing process. I used to send links to websites/group sessions to people thinking that this would “help” them or offer free healings to close friends. I do not do this anymore. When people are at the stage of wanting to try this modality they will ask you what you did to feel so great/ be pain free, and they can google/youtube and find their own solutions. This is very important that we allow people to have their own journeys even if we believe we have solutions for them and it will make a huge difference to their lives. Remember, their soul signed up for the experience they are having!
Can you cure my chronic disease?
I make no claims of being able to cure anything. What I find with chronic diseases is that there are multiple reasons- nutrition, lifestyle, emotional and spiritual reasons that contribute to these. I can help with the emotional and spiritual side of things and I will get messages about nutrition and lifestyle modifications, however, the real work begins with you. Most often I see people in very unhappy relationships, stuck in bad jobs, addicted to lower vibrational things like bad television, victim thinking and blaming others. Sometimes there are karmic reasons for chronic disease and I cannot interfere with that. What normally happens for my clients is that they start to peel back the emotional and spiritual layers and learn tools to live in a high vibration. There are usually some shifts straight away with pain and symptoms and over the course of a few months, and a commitment to self-care practices, clients feel a tremendous change in their bodies. For most chronic disease clients, multiple sessions, spaced 2-3 weeks apart, are required and I will organise for other practitioners to support the session. I usually suggest monthly group meditations as well.