Thank you very much for booking with me! I am very excited to meet you at our upcoming session.
Please be sure to check your spam folders for the Zoom link, it is sent automatically and should arrive within 10 minutes of booking. If for some reason there is no Zoom link with the automatic confirmation email (which happens occasionally when Zoom updates) I will send an email with the link separately. Make sure you have the latest version of Zoom and a strong internet connection for the reading. Remove your smart watch. If you can avoid Bluetooth headphones this is also helpful.
Be sure to find a quiet space where you can fully relax to all your body to express itself, uninterrupted for the duration of the session (90mins). Some common experiences include: yawns, burps, shaking, crying, laughter, coughing, hot/cold flashes, nausea etc. This is all completely normal and it is the body’s way of shifting energy.
Please do not drink any alcohol or take any non-prescription medication (mushrooms, cannabis, or any other substances) 24h prior to the session as this can disrupt your energetic field and interfere with the reading.
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